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Birthstones by Month: Colors and Meanings

Birthstones by Month: Colors and Meanings

Birthstones by Month: Colors and Meanings

Do you know what is the birthstone for your birthday month? If YES then do you know the meaning behind that birthstone? So lets check the list below to learn the meanings and history of each monthly birthstone. The wearing of birthstones is thought to bring good luck, good health, and protection. Astrologers long ago attributed supernatural powers to certain gemstones.

Birthstone Month Traditional Birthstone Modern Birthstone Birthstone Colors Birthstone Meanings
January Garnet Garnet Dark red Faith and fidelity 
February Amethyst Amethyst Violet  Temperance and deep love
March Bloodstone  Aquamarine Dark green or pale blue Happiness and tranquility
April Diamond Diamond Clear Enduring love
May Emerald Emerald Bright green Joy and vitality 
June Alexandrite Pearl or Moonstone Iridescent or White  Purity and sincerity
July Ruby Ruby Bold red Passionate love
August Sardonyx Peridot Light green Creative expression
September Sapphire Sapphire Dark blue Wisdom and loyalty
October Opal Tourmaline Pink or play of color Gentleness and compassion 
November Tiger’s eye Topaz or Citrine Orange or golden-brown Self-confidence and kindness
December Turquoise or blue zircon Blue topaz Bright blue Peace and calmness


Birthstones by Month

January – Garnet

The January birthstone, garnet, is thought to keep the wearer safe during travel. The word “garnet” is derived from a term that means “seed,” because the gem resembles the color and shape of a pomegranate seed. The name is derived from the Latin word for pomegranate due to its rich red color. In the past, the garnet was worn for protection and extra boldness in battle or while traveling and as a guard against poison. The stone was a favorite of Vikings and is often discovered among unearthed Viking jewelry. Medieval medicine believed the garnet reduced inflammation or fever. It was also thought to bring sleep and wealth to the wearer. You can view our Garnet collection to order yours.

February – Amethyst

The February birthstone, amethyst is said to strengthen relationships and give its wearer courage. At one time, only royalty could wear the gem. Ancient Greeks thought that the amethyst guarded against intoxication. In fact, “amethyst” comes from amethystos, a Greek word meaning “sober.” We have a huge variety of Amethysts in our collection, so do check it out.

March – Aquamarine, Bloodstone

The March birthstone, aquamarine was thought to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases—all one had to do was drink the water in which the gem had been soaking. Early sailors believed that aquamarine talismans, etched with the likeness of the sea god Neptune, protected them against ocean dangers. Another March birthstone is the bloodstone, which is dark green with red specks. Its Latin name means seawater, “aqua” meaning “water” and “marina” meaning “sea.” Its clear blue color seems scraped from the surface of waves or collected from sea foam. Legend has it that mermaids are the source of the stone, and sailors believed the aquamarine would protect them from dangers at sea by channeling the power of Neptune.

April – Diamond

The April birthstone, diamond in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the diamond is called vajra, which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra, the king of gods. The gemstone was also used as medicine reserved for wealthy royalty and religious leaders in ancient cultures. You can check our Herkimer Diamond Collection and if you like them then don't forget to add them in your collection.

May – Emerald

The May birthstone, emerald was one of Cleopatra’s favorite gems. It has long been associated with fertility, rebirth, and love. Ancient Romans went so far as to dedicate this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Today, it is thought that emeralds signify wisdom, growth, and patience.  The emerald’s inclusions are called jardins, the French word for gardens, because its markings resemble tiny wildflower patches in a green, grassy field. According to medieval medicine, emeralds cured headaches and epilepsy and rejuvenated the spirit. 

June – Pearl

The June birthstone, pearl has long been a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Some ancient cultures believed it to be the handiwork of mythological creatures like nymphs and dragons; others believed it to be a product of thunderstorms or the tears of gods. In reality, pearls grow in mollusks and require several years to cultivate. Pearls are the softest birthstones and require a little extra love and care. The moonstone resembles the pearl and is an alternative birthstone for June. 

July – Ruby

The July birthstone, ruby was regarded by ancient Hindus as the “king of gems.” It was believed to protect its wearer from evil. Today, the ruby’s deep-red color signifies love and passion. The stone was used in ancient and medieval medicine for blood circulation and heart stimulation, in addition to many other cures. The ruby is also believed to provide concentration and fervor. Those who wear rubies are said to be invincible and irresistible. 

August – Peridot

The August birthstone, peridot symbolizes strength. It is sometimes called the “evening emerald” for its light green color. It was once believed that the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares. Some people use peridots to detox, boost metabolism, or regenerate low spirits. Peridots are a type of mineral called olivine, but peridots come in a wide assortment of greens, from a muted olive or forest green to bright lime. 

September – Sapphire

The September birthstone, sapphire was once thought to guard against evil and poisoning. It was believed that a venomous snake would die if placed in a vessel made of sapphire. Traditionally a favorite stone of priests and kings, the sapphire symbolizes purity and wisdom. Sapphire is thought to provide personal motivation and assurance. Ancient medicine prescribed sapphires to cure ailments of the eyes. However, the sapphire was often confused with lapis lazuli, a vibrant blue but semi-precious stone, before modern mineralogy. 

October – Opal

The October birthstone, opal symbolizes faithfulness and confidence. The word comes from the Latin opalus, meaning “precious jewel.” Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil and to protect eyesight. Do check our Opal collection which is specially made for you.

November – Topaz

The November birthstone, topaz symbolizes love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and intellect. The ancient topaz was associated with the sun gods Ra and Jupiter. Legend has it that the topaz can quench thirst and prevent bad dreams. In its natural state, the topaz is clear colorless, orange, or golden-brown, but it’s often treated to give the stone additional colors, like the beautiful blue topaz

December – Turquoise

The December birthstone, turquoise is regarded as a love charm. It is also a symbol of good fortune and success, and it is believed to relax the mind and to protect its wearer from harm. Turquoise rings, in particular, are thought to keep away evil spirits.

Now that you’ve found your birthstone, you can browse our entire collection of gemstones to find a one-of-a-kind piece that speaks to you.


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